Fairphone Mobile Phones Price in Bangladesh


Fairphone 5



Fairphone 3



Fairphone 3+



Fairphone 4


Fairphone Mobile Phone: Revolutionizing the Smartphone Industry

The Importance of Ethical Consumerism

In today's world, we are surrounded by technology and smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. However, as consumers, it is important to consider the ethical implications of the products we purchase. This is where Fairphone comes in – a company that is revolutionizing the smartphone industry with their sustainable and ethical approach. Fairphone was founded in 2013 with the aim to create a fairer and more ethical way of producing smartphones. The company recognized the negative impact that the electronics industry has on the environment and on the people involved in the production process. With this in mind, Fairphone set out to create a smartphone that would not only function well but also have a positive social and environmental impact.

The Making of a Fairphone

The first step towards creating a fairphone is sourcing the materials. Fairphone works with suppliers who adhere to strict environmental and labor standards. This includes using conflict-free minerals and ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for all employees. Next comes the design process. Fairphone follows a modular design which allows for easy repair and replacement of individual parts. This means that instead of replacing the entire phone when a certain part malfunctions, you can simply replace that specific part. This not only reduces electronic waste but also makes repairs more affordable.

Minimizing Electronic Waste

The average lifespan of a smartphone is two years and with constant upgrades and new models being released, electronic waste is becoming a major problem. Fairphone aims to combat this by creating a phone that is both durable and repairable. The company also offers a recycling program where customers can return their old Fairphone and receive a discount on their new one, ensuring responsible disposal of electronic waste.

Empowering Workers

Fairphone not only focuses on the ethical and environmental aspects of producing a smartphone but also on the people involved in the production process. The company works closely with its suppliers to ensure fair working conditions and wages for all employees. They also invest in training programs for workers to improve their skills and provide them with better job opportunities.

Positive Impact on Local Communities

In addition to promoting ethical labor practices, Fairphone also strives to have a positive impact on the local communities where their materials are sourced. The company works with local organizations to support responsible mining practices and provides fair compensation for the use of their land. By working closely with these communities, Fairphone is able to create a more sustainable supply chain and help improve the livelihoods of those involved.


In conclusion, Fairphone is not just another smartphone company – it is a company with a conscience. By prioritizing ethical and sustainable practices, Fairphone is setting a new standard for the electronics industry. As consumers, we have the power to make a difference through our purchasing choices. Consider investing in a Fairphone and join the movement towards a fairer and more sustainable future.

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